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December Luncheon

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Hope you find the photo gallery captured the fun and festivities of the day! Our December luncheon was the ideal Kiawah setting – a sunny, crisp day at the Beach Club with great company, delicious food, unique shopping, and colorful story-telling.  Bob Ross and Jeff Plotter, Cofounders of Brackish, a “feathered” friendly business with handcrafted accessories, designed and hand-crafted in Charleston.  We also heard remarks from Curt Morse from FNB, the lead sponsor of our House Tour, and Aimee Lassor, who works with Charleston and Johns Island schools to help coordinate the programs our partners bring to students.  Members should expect an email soon kicking off our annual appeal for contributions (Kerry Pardoll is coordinating) – donations through the end of January will be recognized in the House Tour pamphlet, and Carla Powe discussed the board nomination process, where this year we are looking for a new Membership Director.

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February Luncheon
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November Luncheon